
MR-6:Men In Black 1

I didn’t know this movie so I watched this movie for the first time yesterday. This package is so cool. These main characters are Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Will smith is a famous actor and I like him. I like “The Pursuit of Happiness” and “Seven Pounds” so I was looking forward to seeing it.
 I am going to tell you this story easily. This is Arian’s story. There are Arians looks like human in the earth. Agent K is the member of Men In Black. James was a policeman, and he grabbed an alien. Then, he has been discovered by K for the MIB, and he became Agent J. K is Tommy and J is Will Smith. K and J worked with aliens. wanted to take the earth by aggression. They fought.
 A famous park in the U.S. was a big UFO and the aliens intended to escape. In the last fight scene, it was so creepy. Agent K was eaten by alien but he took the attack so he could live. K and J could save the universe. K leaved MIB and he went back to her wife.

 I watched it a long time, but the time went by surprisingly fast. Will Smith is very good at this role. This story is so interesting but I could not watch because I really don’t like roaches. There were a lot of roaches so it was creepy. It was not only a Science Fiction movie but also a Comedy. I laughed many times. Then, I became to like Will Smith moreover so I want to watch another movie which he acts. Men In Black has more four movies. I watched only one so I want to watch all. The movie set me on fire. It was interesting very well so I hope you watch this series of movie. 

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