
MR-7:The Green Mile

I watched The Green Mile in the library this morning. I have heard the title but I had never watched this movie. I will introduce about this story and give you review.
This is the story in the prison. I watched Prison Break so I imagined Green Mile like Prison Break. This story was written by Stephen King. He is a very famous writer. He wrote “The Shawshank Redemption” “Stand by Me” “Carrie” and “Misery”. He wrote a lot of horror books. I like Shawshank Redemption so I was looking forward to watch this movie.
Main character is Paul. Tom Hunks acted him. He is a prison guard. One day, a big man was into the prison. He is a big man called Coffee. He was a kind person. One day, Paul knew that Coffee is falsely charged. However he has no case, and Coffee decided death. Paul encouraged him to escape from prison, but he said no. A few days after, the prison guard killed him. They know he was innocent of the crime, so he cried. Paul has lived long time. He is one hundred eight years old and he thinks he lives much further.

This story is so long. It took three hours. I watched it while I cried. It was a sad story. Coffee has special power. I think it was more interesting story than “The Shaw shank Redemption” and “Prison Break”. I like Morgan Freeman very much. Coffee looks like him. Both of them are nice actors. Tom Hanks was good actor too. The strongest scene is he died. I wanted him to break out of prison. It was so sad. If you want to cry, I recommend you to watch this movie. This story is so long so you should have much free time, when you watch this.

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