“Trrrrrring!” (P6)
This story is known all over the world. Cinderella is very poor. She has two horrible sisters and their mother. She was very sad. One morning, a letter of invitation arrived. Her ugly sisters said “Let’s go!” Cinderella was very sad and cried. Then at 9 o’clock suddenly fairy appears. The lady worked magic. Cinderella had a beautiful dress and shoes. She is very beautiful. “Now go to the ball! But, at 12 o’clock, no later, come home!” The prince is fall in love with Cinderella at first sight. They danced all night. At 12 o’clock, she ran quickly from the castle. She backed poor Cinderella but she forgot to bring shoes. So he looks for her. The prince asked Cinderella to marry him. She said “Yes!” They became very happy. I like this story. When I was a child, I knew this story. This is Disney story. Every girls like Cinderella.
retold by Susanna Davidson ; illustrated by Fabiano Fiorin
London : Usborne, 2004
152 words/ 3332
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